Santa Spotting Binoculars

We have made these every year since the Mini-Mumblers were little, they love standing out on Christmas Eve and searching for Santa in the skies! If you time it right you might spot the Space Station as it passes!

What You Need:

  • Red card, pen or paint
  • 2 toilet roll tubes per child
  • Cotton wool pads or balls
  • Black pen or paint
  • Gold card or tin foil
  • Glue and tape

What to do:

  • Draw a black ring round each toilet roll tube about 3/4 of the way down
  • Paint, colour or cover the above section red
  • Take cotton wool balls (we used pads which we cut in half) and cover the remaining 1/4 above the black line
  • Cut a buckle shape from card or foil and stick onto the black line to create Santa’s belt
  • Tape both tubes together to create your Binoculars Use on Christmas Eve to see if you can spot Santa’s sleigh!



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