Abbey House Museum – Virtual Activities

Each day of the week Abbey House Museum will be sharing content for families via their Facebook Page.

Mondays are all about music, taking inspiration from our exhibition Sounds of Our City that unfortunately people can’t see at the moment we thought we would bring bits of the exhibition to Facebook! We will be posting about our star objects from the exhibition including our glass piano, special characters such as Padtoeski, the performers who played 3 instruments at once including the piano with his feet! And songs from our jukebox.

Tuesdays are for toys, we will be posting videos about old and new toys (the first one went up yesterday). Putting up pictures, asking for drawings and poems inspired by the toys.

Wednesdays are all about questions, we will be asking families to send us history homework questions and we will be posting mystery objects.

Thursdays are throwback Thursdays posting old pictures from how the museum used to look.


